Professionally edited video and audio demo reels.  Also great for birthdays, holidays, weddings, anniversaries, or any special event.  For digital photo albums and scrapbooks, digital photo archiving, video or audio editing contact us, here.



Supersleuths: The Son of Sam: The Learning Channel, Discovery Channel

The Guiding Light: Episode 13553 (Juan Tejada)

The Guiding Light: Episode 13618 (Juan Tejada)

As the World Turns: Episode 11590 (Maltese Doctor)

DeLonghi America: Infomercial (Spokesperson)

QVC: On Air Spokesperson (Bionaire, Sunbeam, DeLonghi)

HSN: On Air Spokesperson (Bionaire, Sunbeam)


The Messenger: Dock Worker (Independent)

The Drop: Mickey Gallo (Independent)

Night Menu: Charlie (Columbia Thesis Film Program)

Calling St. Carmine: Frankie (Columbia Film School)

Video Reel Available Upon Request