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you want anything done, you have to do it yourself. With that
thought, I am now working on a script so please, be quiet as you
exit the site. Anything interesting to say...say it
Born in Milan, Italy in the early '60s, Flavio, the son of a tailor, learned of his passion and desire to perform at a very early age. Not fully pursuing his dream till the late 1980s, he quickly rekindled that fire.
Remarried in 1997, his passion for the stage and television was quickly turned to his passion for his family. His wife, son and two young daughters now occupy most of his time. What time he has to himself, he dedicates himself to his work.
As a theater actor for the past 14 years, he soon discovered his gift for voice-over work. As the vocal talent of more than 2 dozen of the now-popular Japanese animations (Anime), his voice could also be heard in dozens of television and radio spots along with print and film work and several children's shows.
Currently, Flavio runs improvisation workshops in New Jersey, while singing and performing at his local church every Sunday.
Fluent in Italian, a working knowledge of Spanish, and living in the US for the past three decades, he brings an ethnic flavor to every role he plays.
Recently turning 40, you can find him here, celebrating with friends and family and doing his best Rudy Giuliani impression.
For more complete information on his body of work, click here to view his resume.